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P.P.E. Kits

Product sheet 🇬🇧 Produktblatt 🇩🇪 SOMAIN SECURITE is proposing for sale, a range of P.P.E. kits combining the most popular devices our partners. Each kit is designed for a special type of user. Kit standard Kit for the occasional user seeking for the strict respect of the safety standards. 1 Harness P30 3 Carabiners AZ011T 1 Lire la suite…


Product sheet 🇬🇧 Produktblatt 🇩🇪 The SECURITOIT® ECO gangway is a technical access means made of aluminium section. Suitable for any type of roof, this gangway is available in 2 widths, 600 and 800 mm.  The aluminium section strings allow for spans up to 3m (for larger spans, please enquire).SECURITOIT® ECO is Lire la suite…

SECURIFIX® potelet

Product sheet 🇬🇧 Produktblatt 🇩🇪 SECURIFIX® potelet is a anchoring system consisting of a post with its fastening plate, a sealing collar and an anchor ring conforming to standard EN 795 class A. SECURIFIX® potelet is used with compliant PPE (lanyard, fall arrest inertia reel, etc.).It can be installed on Lire la suite…


Product sheet 🇬🇧 Produktblatt 🇩🇪 SECURIFIX® alu is a device protecting against falls from a height used to secure a zone inaccessible to the public where there is a risk of falling. Non-deformable guaranteed 10 years Up to 3 users Maintenance-free Shipped within 48 hours Material: aluminium Finish: micro-blasted or Lire la suite…


Product sheet 🇬🇧 Produktblatt 🇩🇪 SECURIFIX® inox is a device protecting against falls from a height used to secure a zone inaccessible to the public where there is a risk of falling. SECURIFIX® inox is used with compliant PPE (lanyard, fall arrest inertia reel, etc.).It can be installed on all concrete, Lire la suite…

SECURIFIL® verticale

Product sheet 🇬🇧 Produktblatt 🇩🇪 SECURIFIL® verticale is a lifeline designed to secure vertical movements. It can be used on ladders, tubes and angle irons as well as on concrete.SECURIFIL® verticale is for exclusive use with a rope grab supplied by SOMAIN SECURITE. This is connected to the user’s harness and blocks Lire la suite…


Product sheet 🇬🇧 Produktblatt 🇩🇪 Ladder with protruding rungs/anchor point: The SECURECHELLE® double is a technical access means espousing the shape of sloping roofs, domes, inclined planes, etc. Multi-purpose (technical access, EN 795 anchor point, work platform support). When it is fixed to a compliant anchor point, each rung then becomes an EN 795 Lire la suite…

SECURIFIL® éolienne

Product sheet 🇬🇧 Produktblatt 🇩🇪 SECURIFIL® éolienne is a lifeline designed to secure vertical movements. It is suitable for confined spaces where the cable is in a central position. SECURIFIL® éolienne is for exclusive use with a rope grab supplied by SOMAIN SECURITE. This is connected to the user’s harness and blocks on Lire la suite…

SECURIFIL® renforcée

Product sheet 🇬🇧 Produktblatt 🇩🇪 Where it is not possible to install a collective protection system for your work at a height, a lifeline is the best solution to guarantee safe working. SECURIFIL® renforcée is used with a simple connector conforming to EN 362. No special trolleys or rope grabs Lire la suite…